How to build Reddit's NFT Marketplace using Polygon and Paper 📄 gm gm gm!!! Indeed, in the current scenario, few NFT marketplaces cater to non-web3 users, primarily due to the poor User Experience (UX) they have to face. A significant barrier to entry for these users is the complexity of the Web3 ecosystem, inclu...
Building Cross-Chain NFT using Router Protocol's CrossTalk Library gm gm gm!!! Today we will write an NFT (ERC721) smart contract, allowing sending and receiving an NFT from different chains. To transfer our NFTs between chains, we will use Router Cross-Talk Library. We will transfer an NFT from Avalanche Fuji Testn...
How to Verify Smart Contracts with Libraries and Constructor Parameters on Polygonscan. When you deploy code to the public, open, global censorship-resistant Ethereum blockchain, you expect participants will use the functions and services your smart contract provides worldwide. Therefore, it is essential to be a good steward of the bloc...