Comparing Solidity With Clarity Writing smart contracts for Bitcoin was limited in the past, but with Stacks, this changed. Its Clarity programming language allows you to build Bitcoin smart contacts similar to those on the Ethereum network while being more secure than Solidity at ...
How to Deploy Your Own Hyperlane on Polygon zkEVM gm gm gm!!! New chains are popping up by the minute, so getting liquidity there is a burning issue. Hyperlane tries to solve this with permissionless bridges. Hyperlane is a permissionless protocol, which means you can deploy your own Hyperlane on ...
Hyperlane from A to Z gm gm gm!!! Even in a vast blockchain network with countless nodes and layers, users need help utilizing the decentralized network's complete potential because DApps use different chains. Some use Ethereum, some Polygon, some Gnosis, and so on! In th...
Enhancing NFTs with Random Numbers and Delegation When NFT projects become stale, the community asks, "Can the devs do something?" So, I wanted to show a fun way anybody can bring value to an existing project. My idea was to take the Lego approach, which means building something new with existing bl...
How to Integrate Biconomy Into Your DApp Do you want to provide easy Web2-like onboarding to your Web3 app? Imagine if users don't need any wallets or funds to pay for gas fees and deal with complex transaction pop-ups to use your Web3 app 🤯 Biconomy's robust SDK uses account abstraction (...
The Developer's Guide to Chainlink VRF: Foundry Edition Generating truly random numbers on a computer is a complex mathematical problem. However, most programming languages today have either native support for generating random numbers or come with supporting libraries that generate random numbers with an...
A Complete Intro to Smart Contract Development on the Scroll zkEVM I wrote this article as a technical introduction to the Scroll zkEVM for smart contract developers who want to try out the network. In this article, we will: Learn about Scroll zkEVM and how to start with its' Alpha testnet. Set up a dev environmen...
Secure Your Smart Contract with Diligence Fuzzing As the Ethereum ecosystem grows, so does the need for secure smart contracts. With billions of dollars locked in DeFi protocols and other decentralized applications, the stakes are high for developers to ensure that their code is free of vulnerabilit...
Building a Tokengated Community for Live Concerts with QuickNode: A Step-by-Step Tutorial In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll walk through the process of building a token-gated community for live concerts using QuickNode. We will create a custom token on the Ethereum network, develop a smart contract for the community, and design a fron...
How to build Reddit's NFT Marketplace using Polygon and Paper 📄 gm gm gm!!! Indeed, in the current scenario, few NFT marketplaces cater to non-web3 users, primarily due to the poor User Experience (UX) they have to face. A significant barrier to entry for these users is the complexity of the Web3 ecosystem, inclu...
The Ultimate Guide to Debugging Smart Contracts: Tips and Tools for Web3 Developers Smart contract development is vital to building decentralized applications on the blockchain. However, as with any software development, debugging smart contracts can be challenging but can quickly determine the cause of a single transaction or contr...
Building Cross-Chain NFT using Router Protocol's CrossTalk Library gm gm gm!!! Today we will write an NFT (ERC721) smart contract, allowing sending and receiving an NFT from different chains. To transfer our NFTs between chains, we will use Router Cross-Talk Library. We will transfer an NFT from Avalanche Fuji Testn...